Google Penalties and how handle them?

Google Penalties and how handle them?

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Getting Through the Google Penalties

Google, over the recent years, has created more sophisticated ways to keep a watch on sites, based on the quality of content and quality of back-links.

This has birthed what is normally called Google penalty. These penalties can affect the ranking of sites on the Google ranks. These are algorithms which evaluate every site on the web.

We shall look at the two most popular Google penalty and how to identify them, then we shall give ways to get through them or solve these problems using penalty recovery service.

Identifying Google penalties

The Google penalties that give site owner more problems are the Google penguin penalty and the Google Panda penalty.

Google Panda Penalty and Google Panda recovery

Google panda penalty is a Google algorithm that tends to rank sites based on their quality, the algorithm lowers the ranking of low-quality sites or thin sites that practice black hat SEO to get quicker results on their site in driving more traffic.

To know if you’ve been affected by the Google Panda, you would observe the following things.

  • Your site pages would have difficulty ranking no matter the number of back-links you put in.
  • You start to experience a gradual traffic decline
  • Your site would be found in pages 2 or 3, this might be because some keywords may still be ranking, but not as before.
  • There are always updates by Google, in terms of quality, so if your site was affected by the algorithm before, then there is a high possibility that it would rank lower now.

Google panda would not reflect on the manual action on your webmaster tools. This makes it even more challenging.

Some proffered solutions.

  • Always verify if your keyword and traffic percentage have dropped, you can do this effectively using the Google analytics.
  • One of the most effective recovery methods is the Panda Breakthrough, this takes the same information on your site and presents it differently to your users and search engines, this also helps in its ranking.

Google Panda and Penguin penalty recovery services


This is a very common penalty, which affects websites that have been involved in aggressive link building. This Google algorithm punishes websites that try to create unnatural or artificial links to increase their search engine ranking.

There a lot of ways by which this penalty is observed by Google, they include, but not limited to, the following

  • Paid links
  • Asking for links
  • Negotiating link exchange
  • Link creation by SEO tools
  • Mass syndication

Once the algorithm observes any of these abnormalities, your site is given the Penguin penalty.

How do you know that you have been handed the penguin penalty?

  • A keyword or group of words starts experiencing a sharp drop in ranking
  • De-indexing of a certain page containing the dropped ranking keyword
  • Under “search queries” and/or “manual action” under the webmaster tools, you would get a message concerning unnatural linking.
  • When for instance your contact page is ranking higher than your home page.

Google Penguin penalty recovery


  • Try locating the page or keyword that is penalized
  • Check for the links using that anchor text or that is pointing to that page
  • Download your full link list and pick out the links penalized by Google.
  • Remove and Disavow the links responsible for the penalty
  • Googlebot would now re-crawl the changes, this might take from 3 hours to 3 months, just wait.
  • You could also do a reconsideration request to Google.
  • Monitor your webmaster tools for any more changes in inbound link number
  • Finally, document the whole process and responses.

There is nothing like a highly ranked site, so try to avoid these penalties, or if you are in one now, follow the steps for a fast recovery.